Mind Body Therapy Services

Always happy to…

Serve Our Clients

We offer Mind-Body Therapy to resolve physical pain and emotional stress in the whole mind-body system. 
Take a look at the different therapy sessions below for more information.

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Mind Body Therapy Services

massage therapy total integrated therapy canby oregon

Massage Therapy

Our Massage Therapy and deep tissue bodywork provides incredible lasting stress relief from physical pain. Sessions include assessment of the body to isolate the underlying cause of pain and to dissolve stress that can make pain worse. Clients report freedom from pain, an increase in flexibility with a shorter recovery periods.

Mind Body Therapy Services

Mind Body Therapy

Mind-Body Therapy sessions are based on releasing the pain and stress in the mind using scientifically proven Advanced Massage techniques with cutting-edge Tapping Therapy processes. This combination of using the physical and psychological aspects of the mind and body create balance in the mind-body system.

Tapping Therapy Treatment Mental Health Total Integrated Therapy Canby Oregon

Breakthrough Therapy

This leading-edge therapy is amazing for any kind of stress or emotions. Experience freedom from your troubles, take control of your life experiences, and align with your personal and professional goals. Dissolve roadblocks, eliminate harmful stress, and gain laser-like focus and clarity. Become more effective, influential, and confident.

Call for a FREE assessment or consultation

If you are ready for a change, reach out today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Mind Body Therapy Canby

Our holistic approach looks at the entire person, integrating the parts, and putting you back into the driver’s seat of your life.

Integrated Mind Body Therapy Services
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Hours & Contact

3575 Dunlap Ave NE, OR 97322, USA, (503) 862-9107

Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm / Sat: 9am-6pm