Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain Relief – Increasing Range of Motion

Get neck pain relief and increasing range of motion by watching and practicing the techniques in this video. One of the best ways to get neck pain relief is by lengthening tight short muscles that are holding tension in the neck. Dave Ryder shows you an easy range of motion movements that will allow you to get your range of motion back, and keep it! In addition to increasing your envelope of range of motion which will dramatically reduce your chances of neck injury.

Go slow and easy on your neck at first, or you might be sore. Don’t overwork yourself or be too aggressive, especially if you haven’t had much work done on your neck. Try to use a combination of some of my other self-neck massage techniques for more relief.

Sometimes getting out of pain and feeling better is not a “straight line” (from A to B), sometimes it’s “U” shaped, and we feel more uncomfortable before we start to feel better. Regardless, if you start to have significantly more discomfort for whatever reason, get it checked out by a qualified professional.

Neck pain relief - Total Integrated Therapy

Medical Massage Therapy For Neck Pain Relief

Deep tissue massage therapy provides incredible lasting relief from physical pain. Sessions include assessment of the body to isolate the underlying cause of pain and to dissolve stress that can make pain worse by aligning the body with gravity.

Find Out More And Get Out of Pain

At Total Integrated Therapy, We offer the most effective Mind-Body Therapy, Massage Therapy, Tapping Therapy Sessions, and Mind-Body Therapist Training in the North West.

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